SEGA Master System II AV mod

By Kasper FærchApr 8, 20192 min read

SEGA Master System II AV mod

SEGA Master System II with AV connectors installed

Together with my fiancée, we modded my SEGA Master System 2 from my childhood, that I’ve kept since my birthday in 1993.

The mission was to make it possible to use composite/AV connectors on my TV, instead of the old RF signal port.

This SEGA console had to be hooked up between your analog TV antenna and your TV. With a switch box you could select to use the console connection, or the normal TV signal.

But since I hate connecting that thing, searching for the right channel, and lack of compatibility with modern TVs, I decided to mod my console with new video and audio outputs.

There were just one problem... Most of the guides tells you to hook your components up to a SONY chip. But my SEGA had a much smaller Fujitsu MB 3514 chip instead. So I couldn’t solder my wires to the pins on my chip. So we had to wire it all on the backside of the PCB, as you can see on the picture.

Fujitsu MB 3514 pins on my SMS IISorry for the bad soldering, but it works. lol

It all went VERY WELL! Within a few hours we modded the old beast, into a bit more modern console.

And now we can enjoy the games from my childhood on your newer TV. YAY!

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Written by Kasper Færch

A friendly geek from Denmark, with a passion for code and technology ❤️

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