
By Kasper FærchApr 23, 20242 min read

About me

Welcome to my personal space on the web.

My name is Kasper Færch 😊 I'm a 35 year old geeky guy from Denmark, who loves bits 'n' bytes.

Professional work

I currently work as a senior backend web developer at Modified Solutions, where I do my magic with PHP, Javascript, VueJS and TailwindCSS. My main focus at work is developing and maintaining our daughter project avecdo.

In the past I've also worked as a game developer for minor companies around my home city. My focus were Unity3D development and a lot of dark C# magic back then.

I'm experienced with the following technologies:

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Javascript
  • VueJS
  • Nuxt
  • C#
  • C++
  • Unity3D
  • MySQL
  • Pascal/Delphi
  • Linux
  • And a little bit of Python

Personal interests

But... I also do a lot of techy stuff when I'm not at work! When I'm at home I love to make personal coding projects. Like games, mods, patches, apps and so on. You can read more about all my projects here on the blog. This is everything from patching old games, modding hardware and misc. electronics, to making games and fiddle around with new technologies. So stay a while and listen.. eehm.. I mean read 😉

Even if most of my spare time is spent inside my code cave, I also like to go fishing with my brother, or take a walk in the forrest with my fiancé and dog 💕


If you want to contact me, email me at contact(at)kasperfm(dot)com or find me on Facebook or Mastodon.

See you around!

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Written by Kasper Færch

A friendly geek from Denmark, with a passion for code and technology ❤️

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 Kasper Færch
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